Hi 👋,
I am Ankit! I am a full-stack developer, proficient in Python, Machine Learning, Flutter, Firebase, Google Cloud & Databases (both SQL & NoSQL). As a former Google Summer of Code (GSoC) scholar, I love open source ❤️ and I am currently maintaining API Dash (GSoC 2024 mentor organization). I have 9+ years of professional experience in developing & shipping applications (desktop, mobile, web) and enterprise ML softwares. I have developed a deep expertise in full-stack development starting with conceptualization and design to development and deployment. I am also passionate about developer community and love helping fellow developers sharpen their skills and improve their productivity.
Open Source Projects

Talks & Workshops

100 Days of Python
CourseVideoPython100 Days 100 Video Lessons to Master the Fundamentals of Python.

PyData Global, PyCon Sweden & PyDay BCN 2020
TalkPythonnumbaAccelerating Scientific Computing using Numba.
API Forum 2023
TalkMachine LearningAPIMastering Machine Learning & Data Science API Lifecycle
Datacode.in Panel Discussion
PanelOpen SourceMLOpen Source, Machine Learning & Careers in Computer Science

Artilectual, GDSC-MU, 2023
WorkshopMachine LearningDemystifying the Machine Learning Lifecycle
Data Science Global Summit'22
TalkMachine LearningMLOpsLet's Democratize Machine Learning Model Development
Nakshatra 2022, GDSC-MU, Medi-Caps University
WorkshopMachine LearningMachine Learning Workshop

GeoPython & PyML 2020
TalkMachine LearningMLOpsDemocratizing Machine Learning Model Development

PyCon Estonia 2020
Lightning TalkPythonStreamlitDeploying Python Apps on Streamlit

5th International Conference on Data Science & Engineering 2019
TalkMachine LearningPaperAnalyzing Smart Meter Data using a Two-stage Competitive Learning Method
SciPy India 2019
WorkshopPythonnumbaAccelerating Data Science & Scientific Computing in Python using Numba
PyCon India 2019 &
SciPy India 2018
WorkshopMachine LearningMLOps
Deploying Machine Learning Models at the Edge
Data Science Congress 2018
TalkRMachine LearningDiscovering knowledge from smart meter data using competitive learning methods

PyCon India 2017
WorkshopMachine LearningGUIMaking Machine Learning Fruitful & Fun Using Orange